Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, Monday.....

Mondays....they are not for wimps! 
On Monday,we all have to get back to the real world and its many challenges.

For me, that real world was laundry, cleaning, baking and ....weed pulling.

Laundry piled up because the minute my husband left town for a week, the washing machine decided to spring a leak. Now that he is home and it is fixed the machine has been running all day. I don't really enjoy laundry. Does anybody? I do enjoy clean clothes, which means laundry will always be a part of my life.

Cleaning the house. Another not so enjoyable task, but with only 2 people in the house right now, housecleaning is really no huge deal. I can't complain.

Baking. This is my latest hobby. I found this book in the library on making artisan bread. It's fun and it only takes about 5 minutes a day to make delicious homemade bread. Today, I was trying to master a healthy whole wheat version. So far, things look promising and my house smells heavenly right now! 

Then in the middle of all those chores was weed pulling......and weed pulling is by far the worst chore of the day. You see, my lawn has been invaded.

Let me introduce you to the culprit.

Virginia Button Weed. 

Have you ever noticed how weeds have the most innocent sounding names?

 Virginia button weed is not innocent. It is evil. 

It takes over your yard in a New York minute! Ignore it and will choke the life out your beautiful St. Augustine grass and the only real solution is to pull it out.  Evil stuff!!

Today, I pulled enough button weed to fill 3 garbage bags! I wish I could say I'm done, but that was just a small patch of my lawn! Not fun, not fun at all!!

 Pulling weeds does have one redeeming quality. It gives you plenty of time to think and pray. I thought about parables today. I love parables. I guess that is because I'm a classic hands on learner. They make sense to me. 

Consider the parable of the sower who went out to sow. Matthew 13:3-9.

 That is the passage that popped into my head while pulling the wretched stuff out of my lawn. The parable of the soil made sense. It was easy to comprehend.

Weeds rob the soil. Weeds choke out life. Weeds take over easily if not kept in check.

My response was easy. 

How is my soil?

See, that is the kind of thing that happens to me when I'm outside,..... on my knees,.............pulling weeds.
 I slow down just enough to hear, to contemplate. Maybe, just maybe Virginia button weed does have a redeemable quality?

I never really hear all that much in the middle of laundry. It must be all the racket of the dryer?

Aaahh! Mondays.... not for wimps!

Here is a pic of my loaves of bread......loaves of bread.?hmmm.

Hope you had a great Monday!


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