Saturday, January 21, 2012


Do you remember when life was easy?

I do. It was in first grade. Remember this simple box of joy?

Image Detail

8 simple colors.... 

Remember when life got complicated?

  5th grade... with its box of 64 colors and built in crayon sharpener!

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Why I am I consumed with color today?

 Two reasons:

1. I recently starting taking an art class and one of my discoveries has been...... I know nothing about color.

  Turns out I'm clueless when it comes color.

2. I've been living in my house now for a little more than 2 years and have not painted a single room. 

This is weird for me on so many levels.  I'm a little worried about it so, I've decided to paint my entryway.

Because of my art class,.......( mind you, I've had exactly one art class), color and thoughts of colors are 

running rampant through my mind.

 Did you know that Vincent Van Gogh, while studying the Dutch painter, Franz Hals...noted that Hals used

  "no less than 27 shades of black?"

 Did I tell you color was consuming me?
So, sorry for the rabbit trail..... now back to the entryway. 

The problem is..... I must choose a color.

 Before art class, this would not have been daunting in the least. I simply would have taken a few things into

consideration. Will it match the flooring, go with the flow into the other rooms and will it work with the

 furnishings. Simple. If there were only 8 shades of paint to choose from these days.

 Now, I see all the shades of  beige, copper or yellow, and turquoise that it could use.  Don't worry, I won't 

choose yellow.


  Suddenly, that 64 count box of crayons is looking less complicated by the minute!

  Really ? How will I make a decision? 


Not so simple anymore...

 I saw this photograph of a sunset in Oklahoma, on the Pioneer Woman website. If you don't follow her blog

 you really me when I say she's great! You'll love her recipes, stories and photographs. Like 

this one...... 



There are no other words.

 Because of my art class, I paused a little longer over this photo and could not shake the image from my brain.

The beauty of that sky had captured me.

 The different shades of blue...gray, orange and white. How I wish I could paint this scene.

 This morning that photo was still on my mind as I thought of the one who painted that sky.

Original. Just for that day.

 Tomorrow, He would paint another masterpiece.

That reminded me of this verse....

Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Everyday, the Lord paints these beautiful pictures for all to see His glory. How often do we take the time to 

slow down and really see the masterpiece of  the Master Artist? To see His glory and realize His works of art

 are messages of his love for all who live in this broken world. 

God gets color! 

If only I can....?

Enjoy your weekend.... I really must get to my entryway.

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