Okay, so that hospitality experiment, well it never got off the ground like I had hoped. Oh I did plenty of hosting, but mainly to family. It's been a crazy summer on so many levels. So, to keep my sanity I started running again. I took up this form of exercise three years ago when a group of women from my church talked my sister and I into training for a Triathlon. We completed it and running has remained a part of my life. Triathlons have not.
Now this may sound crazy, but my time on the track has been interesting. I've become more aware of the little things that happen while running that teach me so much about life. Running is a part of my quiet time with the Lord. Let me share what I learned today..
I believe I was into my third lap on the track, when I noticed this man wearing a University of Texas shirt running the opposite way pass me by. As he passed, I noticed that he made some sort of hand gesture. On my fourth lap, another man coming up behind me, and yes he did pass me up too, made a comment. " Hang in there". Okay, I thought and told him to do the same. Then, UT guy passes me again, and again same hand gesture. At first I think, I guess its a wave, or high five although he is using both hands, sort of like a hallelujah , to which I sort of high five wave back. I'm running in the evening, so the light isn't the greatest ( with the temperatures right now at around hundred before 10:00 AM, the evening temperatures of 96 seem so much cooler.) and I start to wonder. What is this guy doing? It was then that I felt like the Lord was saying, think again...... The gesture wasn't a wave, or a high five...... it was sign language. He was doing the sign for applause. It made me smile as I thought about his quiet encouragement. As women, we labor away doing what we do. Working, keeping house, taking care of babies and toddlers, driving teenagers all over the countryside and seldom do we get that word of encouragement we so desperately need. That verbal, hang in there girl! Most husbands are well into their forties before they look up from their work and say to their wives..."good job honey!" I'm not trying to slam the men in our lives, on the contrary! I wonder how often they really are saying it and we simply don't hear it or see it?
The good news here is that no matter what our men here with us do, there is someone who sees it all and it running right along with us. He is constantly giving us His applause. When we rise in the morning and lay our weary heads down in the evening, it's there like a gentle breeze on a summer night. Can you hear it?
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