Monday, January 30, 2012
home by design: Monday, Monday.....
home by design: Monday, Monday.....: Mondays....they are not for wimps! On Monday,we all have to get back to the real world and its many challenges. For me, that real world wa...
Monday, Monday.....
Mondays....they are not for wimps!
On Monday,we all have to get back to the real world and its many challenges.
For me, that real world was laundry, cleaning, baking and ....weed pulling.
Laundry piled up because the minute my husband left town for a week, the washing machine decided to spring a leak. Now that he is home and it is fixed the machine has been running all day. I don't really enjoy laundry. Does anybody? I do enjoy clean clothes, which means laundry will always be a part of my life.
Cleaning the house. Another not so enjoyable task, but with only 2 people in the house right now, housecleaning is really no huge deal. I can't complain.
Baking. This is my latest hobby. I found this book in the library on making artisan bread. It's fun and it only takes about 5 minutes a day to make delicious homemade bread. Today, I was trying to master a healthy whole wheat version. So far, things look promising and my house smells heavenly right now!
Then in the middle of all those chores was weed pulling......and weed pulling is by far the worst chore of the day. You see, my lawn has been invaded.
Let me introduce you to the culprit.
Virginia Button Weed.
Have you ever noticed how weeds have the most innocent sounding names?
Virginia button weed is not innocent. It is evil.
It takes over your yard in a New York minute! Ignore it and will choke the life out your beautiful St. Augustine grass and the only real solution is to pull it out. Evil stuff!!
Today, I pulled enough button weed to fill 3 garbage bags! I wish I could say I'm done, but that was just a small patch of my lawn! Not fun, not fun at all!!
Pulling weeds does have one redeeming quality. It gives you plenty of time to think and pray. I thought about parables today. I love parables. I guess that is because I'm a classic hands on learner. They make sense to me.
Consider the parable of the sower who went out to sow. Matthew 13:3-9.
That is the passage that popped into my head while pulling the wretched stuff out of my lawn. The parable of the soil made sense. It was easy to comprehend.
Weeds rob the soil. Weeds choke out life. Weeds take over easily if not kept in check.
My response was easy.
How is my soil?
See, that is the kind of thing that happens to me when I'm outside,..... on my knees,.............pulling weeds.
I slow down just enough to hear, to contemplate. Maybe, just maybe Virginia button weed does have a redeemable quality?
I never really hear all that much in the middle of laundry. It must be all the racket of the dryer?
Aaahh! Mondays.... not for wimps!
Here is a pic of my loaves of bread......loaves of bread.?hmmm.
Hope you had a great Monday!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Peyton the rescue dog.....and the entryway
Well, I have not made any progress on the entryway. That's not entirely true. I did make one decision.
I've decided to not make a paint choice right now.
The reason behind this (besides my absolute inability to make a decision) is that January, in Houston, is simply the worst time to paint.
Today, it is dreary and dark. There is no way to tell if I am really going to like the color I choose on a day like today. So today... I'll show you the entryway
See that pretty dog there? That's Peyton. He's a rescue dog.
You can probably tell that by the woe is me look he has on his face. Peyton, loves to remind everyone he's a rescue dog.
How does he do this?
First you get the pitiful look on his face. Once he's pulled you in with that look he then decides he must have your complete attention. He says in his doggie way ..." Please pet me, me......I'm a rescue dog. .... "No, don't play with the grandchildren, play with me....I'm a rescue dog."..."Let me be a lap dog and sit on your couch....after all, I'm a rescue dog." ( insert pitiful Peyton look here) Honestly, he really milks the rescue dog thing around here!
Peyton has no shame and his antics to try to get your attention can drive you crazy . He does however have one admirable quality. He lives his life around here with a grateful heart. He lives like he has been rescued.
This is Peyton on his rescue day! See him smiling?
Grateful! Peyton is very grateful!
No whining....except in his sleep. Must be those memories of the shelter. Poor thing.
No barking. Unless, he is really concerned, no growling or barking will be heard from him.
He loves everybody. He loves all dogs. He even loves cats!
Peyton is content. Content to sleep at my feet. Content to let grandsons climb all over him. Content to go for a walk or... not.
As a believer, I could learn a lot from Peyton.
I could learn to be content. I could take lessons on living a grateful life.
In reality, Peyton and I have a lot in common.
We've both been rescued. We were both once lost.
The difference between us is that he never forgets that he was rescued.
Sometimes I do....I whine, bark, growl and even bite! Sad, but true.
Ungratefulness. It creeps up on me so easily.
This world is hard. Life is not always a bowl of cherries. But that doesn't really have anything to do with whether or not I live life like a rescued person. Jesus rescued me not only for eternity one day, but he rescued me for today! For this moment! Why is it so easy for humans to forget this ....?
Peyton never forgets. Ok, maybe once or twice... he forgot. There may have been a couple of times he got into the garbage.
Habits are hard to break. It is easy to slip back into our familiar patterns.
I'm glad Peyton is around to remind of these things when I need it!
Rescue dogs.....gotta love em!
I've decided to not make a paint choice right now.
The reason behind this (besides my absolute inability to make a decision) is that January, in Houston, is simply the worst time to paint.
Today, it is dreary and dark. There is no way to tell if I am really going to like the color I choose on a day like today. So today... I'll show you the entryway
See that pretty dog there? That's Peyton. He's a rescue dog.
You can probably tell that by the woe is me look he has on his face. Peyton, loves to remind everyone he's a rescue dog.
How does he do this?
First you get the pitiful look on his face. Once he's pulled you in with that look he then decides he must have your complete attention. He says in his doggie way ..." Please pet me, me......I'm a rescue dog. .... "No, don't play with the grandchildren, play with me....I'm a rescue dog."..."Let me be a lap dog and sit on your couch....after all, I'm a rescue dog." ( insert pitiful Peyton look here) Honestly, he really milks the rescue dog thing around here!
Peyton has no shame and his antics to try to get your attention can drive you crazy . He does however have one admirable quality. He lives his life around here with a grateful heart. He lives like he has been rescued.
This is Peyton on his rescue day! See him smiling?
Grateful! Peyton is very grateful!
No whining....except in his sleep. Must be those memories of the shelter. Poor thing.
No barking. Unless, he is really concerned, no growling or barking will be heard from him.
He loves everybody. He loves all dogs. He even loves cats!
Peyton is content. Content to sleep at my feet. Content to let grandsons climb all over him. Content to go for a walk or... not.
As a believer, I could learn a lot from Peyton.
I could learn to be content. I could take lessons on living a grateful life.
In reality, Peyton and I have a lot in common.
We've both been rescued. We were both once lost.
The difference between us is that he never forgets that he was rescued.
Sometimes I do....I whine, bark, growl and even bite! Sad, but true.
Ungratefulness. It creeps up on me so easily.
This world is hard. Life is not always a bowl of cherries. But that doesn't really have anything to do with whether or not I live life like a rescued person. Jesus rescued me not only for eternity one day, but he rescued me for today! For this moment! Why is it so easy for humans to forget this ....?
Peyton never forgets. Ok, maybe once or twice... he forgot. There may have been a couple of times he got into the garbage.
Habits are hard to break. It is easy to slip back into our familiar patterns.
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; Hebrews 12:28
I'm glad Peyton is around to remind of these things when I need it!
Rescue dogs.....gotta love em!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Do you remember when life was easy?
I do. It was in first grade. Remember this simple box of joy?

I do. It was in first grade. Remember this simple box of joy?
8 simple colors....
Remember when life got complicated?
5th grade... with its box of 64 colors and built in crayon sharpener!
Why I am I consumed with color today?
Two reasons:
1. I recently starting taking an art class and one of my discoveries has been...... I know nothing about color.
Turns out I'm clueless when it comes color.
2. I've been living in my house now for a little more than 2 years and have not painted a single room.
This is weird for me on so many levels. I'm a little worried about it so, I've decided to paint my entryway.
Because of my art class,.......( mind you, I've had exactly one art class), color and thoughts of colors are
running rampant through my mind.
Did you know that Vincent Van Gogh, while studying the Dutch painter, Franz Hals...noted that Hals used
"no less than 27 shades of black?"
Did I tell you color was consuming me?
So, sorry for the rabbit trail..... now back to the entryway.
The problem is..... I must choose a color.
Before art class, this would not have been daunting in the least. I simply would have taken a few things into
consideration. Will it match the flooring, go with the flow into the other rooms and will it work with the
furnishings. Simple. If there were only 8 shades of paint to choose from these days.
Now, I see all the shades of beige, copper or yellow, and turquoise that it could use. Don't worry, I won't
choose yellow.
Suddenly, that 64 count box of crayons is looking less complicated by the minute!
Really ? How will I make a decision?
Not so simple anymore...
I saw this photograph of a sunset in Oklahoma, on the Pioneer Woman website. If you don't follow her blog
you really me when I say she's great! You'll love her recipes, stories and photographs. Like
this one......
There are no other words.
Because of my art class, I paused a little longer over this photo and could not shake the image from my brain.
The beauty of that sky had captured me.
The different shades of blue...gray, orange and white. How I wish I could paint this scene.
This morning that photo was still on my mind as I thought of the one who painted that sky.
Original. Just for that day.
Tomorrow, He would paint another masterpiece.
That reminded me of this verse....
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Everyday, the Lord paints these beautiful pictures for all to see His glory. How often do we take the time to
slow down and really see the masterpiece of the Master Artist? To see His glory and realize His works of art
are messages of his love for all who live in this broken world.
God gets color!
If only I can....?
Enjoy your weekend.... I really must get to my entryway.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Things take time...
Today has been a day of reflection.
Over the past few months of my world, life has been hard. Really hard.
I've seen friends and acquaintances go through some of the most painful losses of family members and my heart broke for them all. Then suddenly, in December, our family suffered our own painful loss. My dear brother in law, Ron, passed away unexpectedly. Then our hearts were broken. We are all still reeling from the suddenness of it all..
Things take time.
You can't rush through grief. Grief takes time. Grief takes work.
Yes, work. ....and that's what I've been reflecting on today.
Work is what our family is good at....I think some of our friends even believe we live for work and projects. We don't really, but as a family, it is part of who we are, no denying it.
Christmas, birthdays, football games, holidays ..... all events where we will miss Ron, but I think we will miss him most when we start our next project. You see, when we work together we have the best time. I know that sounds crazy, even unbelievable, but we do! Here's an example.
Several years ago, we were working on replacing the siding on our two story house. Now most of my neighbors would hire a crew for that sort of job. But not us, not with three able bodied sons, my husband and Ron. We had the best crew available! Cheap too! All I had to do was feed them! Well, that isn't exactly all I had to sister and I were always eager to supervise and critique. Imagine scaffolding towering along side the house, in 3 huge sections,each stacked on top of one another. It must have been at least 30 ft. tall. Or it seemed that tall to me as I watched my sons dangle from the top. One son on the top tier, another son or two in the middle and Ron anchoring the bottom tier. All nailing away. My husband? Where was he? He was the designated cutter. The guy who stayed on the ground. This crew of guys, laughed, ridiculed,encouraged and sometimes growled at each other through the whole process. We had music playing, we even had our daughter in laws working....sort of an initiation into the family, as we worked away. They did a great job! We were all so proud of our work!
A week or so after the project was complete, with no accidents that required medical attention by the way, our neighbor stopped my husband to comment on our work. Actually, he never talked about how great the new siding looked, or what a great paint choice we made for our curb appeal. That didn't seem to impress him at all. What caught his attention, and what he just had to talk to my husband about was our working together. He commented about how much fun it was watching our family work. How he enjoyed the laughter. How it caused him to miss his brother.So, he did something he had not done in a long while.
He called his brother. He made plans to get together soon. All because of our "work".
I wonder if maybe that is what the quote most associated with St. Francis of Assisi meant,....?
Working together, in the 100 degree temperatures of south Texas, trying to catch a stubborn calf, or dealing with poison ivy,....... Okay, we won't miss the poison ivy.... We will miss working together.
Here's a picture of Ron, and one of my grandsons... learning the family way! Pops is making sure it is level!
So, take the time. However long you need, to work through the situations in your life. Do the work that leads to restoration, hope and joy.
Just remember, ....things take time.
Over the past few months of my world, life has been hard. Really hard.
I've seen friends and acquaintances go through some of the most painful losses of family members and my heart broke for them all. Then suddenly, in December, our family suffered our own painful loss. My dear brother in law, Ron, passed away unexpectedly. Then our hearts were broken. We are all still reeling from the suddenness of it all..
Things take time.
You can't rush through grief. Grief takes time. Grief takes work.
Yes, work. ....and that's what I've been reflecting on today.
Work is what our family is good at....I think some of our friends even believe we live for work and projects. We don't really, but as a family, it is part of who we are, no denying it.
Christmas, birthdays, football games, holidays ..... all events where we will miss Ron, but I think we will miss him most when we start our next project. You see, when we work together we have the best time. I know that sounds crazy, even unbelievable, but we do! Here's an example.
Several years ago, we were working on replacing the siding on our two story house. Now most of my neighbors would hire a crew for that sort of job. But not us, not with three able bodied sons, my husband and Ron. We had the best crew available! Cheap too! All I had to do was feed them! Well, that isn't exactly all I had to sister and I were always eager to supervise and critique. Imagine scaffolding towering along side the house, in 3 huge sections,each stacked on top of one another. It must have been at least 30 ft. tall. Or it seemed that tall to me as I watched my sons dangle from the top. One son on the top tier, another son or two in the middle and Ron anchoring the bottom tier. All nailing away. My husband? Where was he? He was the designated cutter. The guy who stayed on the ground. This crew of guys, laughed, ridiculed,encouraged and sometimes growled at each other through the whole process. We had music playing, we even had our daughter in laws working....sort of an initiation into the family, as we worked away. They did a great job! We were all so proud of our work!
A week or so after the project was complete, with no accidents that required medical attention by the way, our neighbor stopped my husband to comment on our work. Actually, he never talked about how great the new siding looked, or what a great paint choice we made for our curb appeal. That didn't seem to impress him at all. What caught his attention, and what he just had to talk to my husband about was our working together. He commented about how much fun it was watching our family work. How he enjoyed the laughter. How it caused him to miss his brother.So, he did something he had not done in a long while.
He called his brother. He made plans to get together soon. All because of our "work".
I wonder if maybe that is what the quote most associated with St. Francis of Assisi meant,....?
"Preach the Gospel always and when necessary use words".
I'm sure it would qualify.
Here's a picture of Ron, and one of my grandsons... learning the family way! Pops is making sure it is level!
So, take the time. However long you need, to work through the situations in your life. Do the work that leads to restoration, hope and joy.
Just remember, ....things take time.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Lately, I've been overwhelmed with the power of choice. We make so many choices in a day...what to eat, what to wear, what to watch on TV, what to listen to on the radio, to believe or not believe, joy or bitterness..... the list goes on and on.
Today, I have a choice before me. Now it isn't life altering, at least I don't think so. I'm getting my haircut. Keep it growing or cut it off? Choice.
Choice is scary. What if I make the wrong choice and have to live with a terrible hairstyle for months? That actually, happened to me back in 8th grade!! That was the only time I've cried over a haircut in my life, but then I was a 13 year old teenage girl and everything was emotional.
Choice is also a gift. I'm amazed that God gives us this much responsibility! Can I be trusted with choice?
Sometimes, I can't.
Today, I will choose short hair or long hair.... no big deal. But as the day goes by, I will make many other weightier choices along the way. Choices that will bring life to me or death to me. I know, that sounds harsh and such a downer for a blog, but its true. Actually, I also have the power by my words and actions to bring life to others or death to others.Proverbs 18:21 Ouch! See....? Can I be trusted?
What will I bring to my home today? What will you bring to your home today?
More than beautifully decorated interiors, or the latest trendy paint color. What are we choosing?
Life, I want life.
Well, I'm off to get that haircut. Long, short? I have no idea....I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
Update.... I went shorter! Thanks Annie :-)
Today, I have a choice before me. Now it isn't life altering, at least I don't think so. I'm getting my haircut. Keep it growing or cut it off? Choice.
Choice is scary. What if I make the wrong choice and have to live with a terrible hairstyle for months? That actually, happened to me back in 8th grade!! That was the only time I've cried over a haircut in my life, but then I was a 13 year old teenage girl and everything was emotional.
Choice is also a gift. I'm amazed that God gives us this much responsibility! Can I be trusted with choice?
Sometimes, I can't.
Today, I will choose short hair or long hair.... no big deal. But as the day goes by, I will make many other weightier choices along the way. Choices that will bring life to me or death to me. I know, that sounds harsh and such a downer for a blog, but its true. Actually, I also have the power by my words and actions to bring life to others or death to others.Proverbs 18:21 Ouch! See....? Can I be trusted?
What will I bring to my home today? What will you bring to your home today?
More than beautifully decorated interiors, or the latest trendy paint color. What are we choosing?
Life, I want life.
Well, I'm off to get that haircut. Long, short? I have no idea....I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
Update.... I went shorter! Thanks Annie :-)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
what have I got to lose?
With each new year we make resolutions. Lose weight, eat healthier, be kinder, more giving,work less, work know the routine. This year, I'm going to be...... bolder.
What do I really have to lose?
So, today I begin by posting some blogs I wrote but never shared. Why didn't I share them before? I guess it sort of seemed silly to me. I'm not a writer. Pretty sure no one will want to follow me. Pretty sure I don't want followers. Well, maybe a few. Mainly, I didn't post out of fear..... and guess what?
I'm doing this thing in spite of all those things that kept me from posting before. I'm going to blog,because even if I am not a "writer" I do have things I want to share. Things God shows me from time to time.Things I just finding interesting, like paint colors, furniture and nature. Things that make me laugh, smile and cry. Grandchildren, children, family and friends.
All these things are home to me.
Maybe writing these thoughts down and sending them out into cyberspace will impact no one but me, and that will be fine. That will be more than fine, that will be great. So, this blog may not be for anyone but me as I learn how the Maker of this universe designed me for this point and time.
Hopefully, I find more joy in the everyday and more of God in every moment.
Hopefully, you will too..... if you join me?
What do I really have to lose?
So, today I begin by posting some blogs I wrote but never shared. Why didn't I share them before? I guess it sort of seemed silly to me. I'm not a writer. Pretty sure no one will want to follow me. Pretty sure I don't want followers. Well, maybe a few. Mainly, I didn't post out of fear..... and guess what?
I don't want to be afraid anymore.
I'm doing this thing in spite of all those things that kept me from posting before. I'm going to blog,because even if I am not a "writer" I do have things I want to share. Things God shows me from time to time.Things I just finding interesting, like paint colors, furniture and nature. Things that make me laugh, smile and cry. Grandchildren, children, family and friends.
All these things are home to me.
Maybe writing these thoughts down and sending them out into cyberspace will impact no one but me, and that will be fine. That will be more than fine, that will be great. So, this blog may not be for anyone but me as I learn how the Maker of this universe designed me for this point and time.
Hopefully, I find more joy in the everyday and more of God in every moment.
Hopefully, you will too..... if you join me?
Garage : Man -vs- Woman
It's that time of year.
You know, Spring Cleaning time of year!
I love this time of year, especially in Houston. We only have about 2 weeks of spring, so that means you have 14 days to comfortably clean out the garage, go through closets and open the windows to air out the house before the humidity saps the life out of you!
I have jumped on these days this past week. I've put in my raised beds for a small vegetable garden. You can't really dig in the soil here. Here in South Texas all we have is black gumbo. Which is how we describe our clay soil. Trying to get a decent garden in my yard the old fashion way would take backbreaking work, and I'm opposed to that kind of gardening! Along with the raised beds I've also fertilized the yard with weed & feed, because my yard is ate up with weeds! But my major accomplishment this week has been ...the GARAGE!
It's great! After 2 years of garage chaos, we have organization! How did I do it you ask?
Like the line in the sand that Travis drew at the Alamo. My garage now has a man side and a girl side.
Because while my husband is great at so many things, he simply can not keep a garage clean, or put things back where they belong. So, it was time to make things clear. So we can find the caulk when we need it and we can see who really is the one who keeps messing up the garage!
The man side has the tools, lawn equipment, oil and various other car additive products, and about 20 different types of nails and screws. What is it about nails? Who knew you needed so many? Saws, electrical cords, and paint are also on the man side. Of course the garbage cans are on the man side too! Duh.
The girl side is far less complicated. It has lawn chairs. Perfect for relaxing , while my husband sorts through his nail and screw jars. I also have the suntan lotion, and mosquito spray, because I don't want to burn or get bit by bugs while watching my husband sort those screws! I also have my gardening tools. Which are not nearly as impressive as the man side tools.
Organization is great! Spring cleaning is invigorating and renews my vision and love for our home.
Now.....we wait. To see who really is the one who messes up the garage. The man or the woman?
I sure hope I'm not the culprit!
You know, Spring Cleaning time of year!
I love this time of year, especially in Houston. We only have about 2 weeks of spring, so that means you have 14 days to comfortably clean out the garage, go through closets and open the windows to air out the house before the humidity saps the life out of you!
I have jumped on these days this past week. I've put in my raised beds for a small vegetable garden. You can't really dig in the soil here. Here in South Texas all we have is black gumbo. Which is how we describe our clay soil. Trying to get a decent garden in my yard the old fashion way would take backbreaking work, and I'm opposed to that kind of gardening! Along with the raised beds I've also fertilized the yard with weed & feed, because my yard is ate up with weeds! But my major accomplishment this week has been ...the GARAGE!
It's great! After 2 years of garage chaos, we have organization! How did I do it you ask?
Like the line in the sand that Travis drew at the Alamo. My garage now has a man side and a girl side.
Because while my husband is great at so many things, he simply can not keep a garage clean, or put things back where they belong. So, it was time to make things clear. So we can find the caulk when we need it and we can see who really is the one who keeps messing up the garage!
The man side has the tools, lawn equipment, oil and various other car additive products, and about 20 different types of nails and screws. What is it about nails? Who knew you needed so many? Saws, electrical cords, and paint are also on the man side. Of course the garbage cans are on the man side too! Duh.
The girl side is far less complicated. It has lawn chairs. Perfect for relaxing , while my husband sorts through his nail and screw jars. I also have the suntan lotion, and mosquito spray, because I don't want to burn or get bit by bugs while watching my husband sort those screws! I also have my gardening tools. Which are not nearly as impressive as the man side tools.
Organization is great! Spring cleaning is invigorating and renews my vision and love for our home.
Now.....we wait. To see who really is the one who messes up the garage. The man or the woman?
I sure hope I'm not the culprit!
Lessons learned on the run....
Okay, so that hospitality experiment, well it never got off the ground like I had hoped. Oh I did plenty of hosting, but mainly to family. It's been a crazy summer on so many levels. So, to keep my sanity I started running again. I took up this form of exercise three years ago when a group of women from my church talked my sister and I into training for a Triathlon. We completed it and running has remained a part of my life. Triathlons have not.
Now this may sound crazy, but my time on the track has been interesting. I've become more aware of the little things that happen while running that teach me so much about life. Running is a part of my quiet time with the Lord. Let me share what I learned today..
I believe I was into my third lap on the track, when I noticed this man wearing a University of Texas shirt running the opposite way pass me by. As he passed, I noticed that he made some sort of hand gesture. On my fourth lap, another man coming up behind me, and yes he did pass me up too, made a comment. " Hang in there". Okay, I thought and told him to do the same. Then, UT guy passes me again, and again same hand gesture. At first I think, I guess its a wave, or high five although he is using both hands, sort of like a hallelujah , to which I sort of high five wave back. I'm running in the evening, so the light isn't the greatest ( with the temperatures right now at around hundred before 10:00 AM, the evening temperatures of 96 seem so much cooler.) and I start to wonder. What is this guy doing? It was then that I felt like the Lord was saying, think again...... The gesture wasn't a wave, or a high five...... it was sign language. He was doing the sign for applause. It made me smile as I thought about his quiet encouragement. As women, we labor away doing what we do. Working, keeping house, taking care of babies and toddlers, driving teenagers all over the countryside and seldom do we get that word of encouragement we so desperately need. That verbal, hang in there girl! Most husbands are well into their forties before they look up from their work and say to their wives..."good job honey!" I'm not trying to slam the men in our lives, on the contrary! I wonder how often they really are saying it and we simply don't hear it or see it?
The good news here is that no matter what our men here with us do, there is someone who sees it all and it running right along with us. He is constantly giving us His applause. When we rise in the morning and lay our weary heads down in the evening, it's there like a gentle breeze on a summer night. Can you hear it?
Now this may sound crazy, but my time on the track has been interesting. I've become more aware of the little things that happen while running that teach me so much about life. Running is a part of my quiet time with the Lord. Let me share what I learned today..
I believe I was into my third lap on the track, when I noticed this man wearing a University of Texas shirt running the opposite way pass me by. As he passed, I noticed that he made some sort of hand gesture. On my fourth lap, another man coming up behind me, and yes he did pass me up too, made a comment. " Hang in there". Okay, I thought and told him to do the same. Then, UT guy passes me again, and again same hand gesture. At first I think, I guess its a wave, or high five although he is using both hands, sort of like a hallelujah , to which I sort of high five wave back. I'm running in the evening, so the light isn't the greatest ( with the temperatures right now at around hundred before 10:00 AM, the evening temperatures of 96 seem so much cooler.) and I start to wonder. What is this guy doing? It was then that I felt like the Lord was saying, think again...... The gesture wasn't a wave, or a high five...... it was sign language. He was doing the sign for applause. It made me smile as I thought about his quiet encouragement. As women, we labor away doing what we do. Working, keeping house, taking care of babies and toddlers, driving teenagers all over the countryside and seldom do we get that word of encouragement we so desperately need. That verbal, hang in there girl! Most husbands are well into their forties before they look up from their work and say to their wives..."good job honey!" I'm not trying to slam the men in our lives, on the contrary! I wonder how often they really are saying it and we simply don't hear it or see it?
The good news here is that no matter what our men here with us do, there is someone who sees it all and it running right along with us. He is constantly giving us His applause. When we rise in the morning and lay our weary heads down in the evening, it's there like a gentle breeze on a summer night. Can you hear it?
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