Friday, February 17, 2012


Keeping up with a blog is hard work. It takes time, extra time that I don't always have to sit down and compose something I think would be worth reading.

Actually, I've just sort of had writers block.

My days are not terribly exciting, sometimes they are just plain ole boring....and who needs to read a boring blog.

I blame the weather. It's dreary and when it is dreary I sort of sink into this deep dark abyss where I can only vaguely see daylight.

This week I've tried to dig myself up out of it by willing the sun to come out again. How? I do what I do best.....I rearrange things. Honestly, I've been doing this my whole life. First the bookcase, then artwork, I even changed up the cushions on the couch all in an attempt to brighten my surroundings.

Yesterday, the weather forecast predicted a sunny day here in Houston. Guess what....? The sun never came out. I think I may go crazy if this keeps up much longer. So with little else to do, I proclaimed today art homework day.

Not just any art project, Aboriginal artwork. That's right, straight from Australia! Aboriginal art is different to say the least. Patterns, lines, circles, insects....and dots. Tons and tons of dots.

Here is a picture of my piece....before I got caught up in dots.

As you can see it is very tribal. Not my forte, but fun don't ya think?

Here it is after I became obsessed with dots....and then a few more dots and lines....and before I knew it I was picturing Aborigines sitting together painting exotic patterns on their bodies.  Sorry, I blame the dots.

Okay....I may have gotten carried away by the dots, but it was fun and it was freeing to think outside the box so to speak and get a little "out there". I have to admit, I caught myself smiling as I thought about my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Webb, and how this artwork would probably disappoint her. I can still remember her calling me up to her desk to question why I would consider coloring a bride completely black, dress and everything. She was very displeased and urged me to go sit down and color the page over.....this time correctly.

 I think when it comes to art, I've played it safe ever since.

That is until today!

There is more than one way to bring some sunshine into a dreary day! WooHoo!!

Free to think outside the box, color outside the lines and yet make it all work together.


John 8:36
 So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

 I am so thankful for all the many ways the Son has set me free!

Here is a preview of my next project....and it will be aboriginal! Scary I know.....but hey, it will be fun!

Pray for sun.

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