Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Okay, My resolution for 2011 is......(insert drum roll here)is to keep up with this blog! I have been re- inspired to devote some time to this blog once again, thanks in part to the recent airing of Julie/ Julia.
I want to share a question that has been rolling around in my mind lately.  Are our communities stronger today than in days gone by? It seems to me, that we are more isolated and more self absorbed. What can we do to fix this problem? I have a few ideas.....let's begin with hospitality!

Hospitality, you ask?.....Yes, hospitality! Do you realize that many of us live in nicer homes than our parents and rarely invite anyone over to our homes. Do we even know our neighbors? It's funny, I think we all want hope and change and stronger communities, but we are not looking to ourselves to be the answer. I believe it begins with hospitality. What if we learn, together how to open ourselves up to hospitality and begin changing our world and communities one step at a time? Will you join me? I'm not talking Martha Stewart type of hospitality, although she does do lovely centerpieces. I'm talking real life, messy, loud  interaction with people in our world!  Come on ....join the ride :)  Tomorrow , I'll share what it looks like....tune in then!

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